2021/03/30 – Raquel Rolnik: Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below

On the 30th March 2021, 13h-14h BST, Raquel Rolnik (University of Sao Paulo) will present to the FinGeo Virtual Seminar Series. Raquel’s talk is entitled: “Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below” and the session will be chaired by Dariusz Wójcik (Uni Oxford).

Please register (for free) at the Regional Studies Assoc. website: https://www.regionalstudies.org/events/fingeo-2021/

Raquel Rolnik is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (1978), Master in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (1981), PhD in Graduate School Of Arts And Science History Department – New York University (1995), free teaching by FAUUSP (2015) and Titration by FAUUSP (2017). Since 1979 she has been a university professor in the field of architecture and urbanism, and is currently Head of the Design Department at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP. Urbanist, she was Planning Director for the city of São Paulo and consultant for Brazilian and Latin American cities in urban and housing policy. She was also the National Secretary for Urban Programs at the Ministry of Cities between 2003 and 2007. She was International Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing at the UN Human Rights Council (2008-2014). She is the author of books and articles on the urban issue and since 2011, she has a research productivity scholarship from CNPq 1C.

Title: Post 2008 financialized housing geographies: from above, from below

Abstract: 2008  post-crisis global scenario is marked by market shifts and opportunities for investors to move their liquid capital freely across borders and sectors. Built space in general and housing, in particular, became again one of the new frontiers of speculation and rentiership. The same housing crisis in some cities in Europe and North America which resulted from the financialization of housing in the mortgage/homeownership phase became the basis to roll out a new asset class based on rental housing. New information technologies enabled investors to concentrate ownership of dispersed units, extract income flows and data and bundle them into capital markets, in operations managed by digital platforms and apps. Those changes enabled a new form of financialization of housing from above –  via partnerships between corporate landlords and the State not only in those cities, but spreading over the world, with the active role of States in promoting it, including by designing new planning and housing policies. However, those chains of rentiership also generated new and perverse links between labor precarity, informality and financial capital, generating housing financialization not only from above but from below, imposing new dynamics in popular economies.

To register (for free) please go to the RSA website: https://www.regionalstudies.org/events/fingeo-2021/

The virtual seminar will be held online on 30 March 2021, 13h-14h BST.

For more in the Fin Geo Virtual Seminar Series please go to: http://www.fingeo.net/coming-up-in-2021-fingeo-virtual-seminar-series/

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