2024June – FinGeo Online Book Talk Series

Disrupting the Speculative City: Property, power and community resistance in London
📢 FinGeo Online Book Talk Series
Title: Disrupting the Speculative City: Property, Power, and Community Resistance in London
Speakers: Dr. Amy Horton and Dr. Joe Penny
Date/Time: 14 June 2024 (Friday), 1500 hrs CEST
Registration Link: Register Here

🏙️ Synopsis:
Speculative real estate development has become a crucial strategy for states worldwide to generate revenue and control urban spaces. This ‘speculative city’ phenomenon is fueled by the rise of property investment, the financialisation of urban land, state transformation at multiple levels, and racialised urban citizenship hierarchies.
Drawing from research conducted in Tottenham, Dr. Amy Horton and Dr. Joe Penny reveal how a diverse community coalition effectively disrupted this speculative city regime through strategic actions both within and against the state. The ‘StopHDV’ campaign provides valuable lessons for those aiming to challenge racialised speculative urbanism.

📚 Book Information:
Discover more about this topic in their insightful book, available at UCL Press.

🗣️ About the Speakers:
Dr. Amy Horton is an Economic Geographer at UCL.
Dr. Joe Penny is a Lecturer in Global Urbanism at the UCL Urban Laboratory.

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Join us for an insightful session on urban development and community resistance! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from experts in the field. Register today!

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